We are pleased to invite you to participate in the Rugby Club's 11th Annual Fundraising Golf Tournament. This event is part of our effort to help finance our youth and senior teams, support our field fund, and provide financial assistance to our more than 30 athletes who play for provincial teams. Our fundraising also helps subsidize the club's bus travel, equipment purchases and athletic therapy. More than 300 members will benefit from the proceeds of this tournament. Golfer entry $125 - Golf, cart & meal
Hole Sponsor $300 - You will receive a sign with your business name/logo/picture clearly displayed, and it will be placed at one of the holes on the course during the tournament
Even if you don’t play golf, you can help by sponsoring a hole, donating a raffle prize, or just volunteering on the event day! No matter how you choose to participate, we guarantee it will be the most fun you’ll have this year! We hope you can join us on October 14th.
Please RSVP before October 7 silverstonem@videotron.ca

Our club calendar is regularly updated with all saints, senior women, senior men and ONE CLUB events. Subscribe here https://www.sabrfc.com/calendar